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Welcome &
Informed Consent

I would like to start by welcoming you to DeHamer Nutrition. Deciding to seek therapy and consultation is an important and personal decision. It is important that you feel that we are a ‘good fit’, so that our time and work together can be impactful and transformative. DeHamer Nutrition works from a place of unconditional positive regard for all clients and greatly believes in the importance of the therapeutic relationship. Overall, I believe in an individual’s innate ability to grow and become the version of themselves that they are seeking. The treatment outcome depends largely on the willingness to engage in this process, which may sometimes result in considerable discomfort. There are no miracle cures. We cannot promise that your (or your child’s) behavior or circumstance will change. We can promise to support you(and your child) and do my very best to understand you and repeating patterns, as well as to help you clarify what it is that you want for yourself (or child). We are a holistic practice and feel that the mind, body and spirit all work in a connection to each other; however, we will always meet you where you are at within the context of that conversation. We are fully aware that everyone’s process and language is unique and we am comfortable working at all levels. We firmly believe that an individual’s work should not be limited to a certain amount of sessions, and am open to working with clients for a few weeks, months or even years. That being said, we will work together to determine your goals for therapy and continue to check-in on your progress towards those goals. Ultimately, you have the option to discontinue our therapeutic relationship at any time. If you do make this decision, it may be useful to have a final session to provide completion.


Payment, Insurance, & Scheduling 

Sessions are 50-65 minutes in duration. Other than the initial session, all payments must be made and up to date before the beginning of each session. Current fees are $155/session. We do not accept insurance but are happy to provide you with a superbill for services, which you may submit for reimbursement.


In the event that you will be unable to keep an appointment or reschedule, there will be no charge if you notify us 24 hours in advance. If within 24 hours then a 50% session charge will be billed, since this time was reserved for you. Exceptions are made for all emergencies. 


The information you share is private and will be treated with the greatest respect. All records of your appointments are kept in secure files and will not be released to anyone without your written permission. There are, however, situations in which one might discuss aspects of your sessions with other professionals:  1) If you are a danger to either yourself or to someone else; 2) If you are a minor, or an elderly or disabled person, and you divulge information indicating that you have been a victim of abuse, or you divulge information about another such person who is a victim of abuse; 3) If our records are subpoenaed by the courts as, for example, they might be in a child custody suit or, 4) you divulge a history of having been sexually abused by a previous therapist. This is written for your full understanding. If you have further questions about any of this, please request a discussion. 


If there is a crisis, texting appropriate concerns is the best option. Around-the-clock text support is not offered currently, so for serious emergencies direct contact with your therapist may be more appropriate or dialing 9-1-1 for full support. I ask that you do not expect immediate text responses, if you do choose to reach out. DeHamer Nutrition will always do our best to respond to all client needs as they arise. 

Intake Form

Release Of Information Form

All medical/ psychological information and records in your possession which pertain to my treatment. The medical/ psychological information and records covered by this release include, but are not limited to, information and records regarding neurological testing, psychological testing, case notes, verbal consultation, growth records, etc. The reason or purpose of this release is to facilitate the provision and effectiveness of counseling services. A photocopy of this authorization shall be considered as effective as the original.

I authorize this release of information:  

( x ) as long as counseling services are rendered

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